About Us

In the vast expanse of Judaism, Israel, and Jewish culture, history, and all the nuanced details in between, there exists a digital content creation, education, and entertainment platform unlike any other.

Welcome to Jewish Original Media (JOM), where we strive to enlighten, educate, and entertain our audience through a variety of channels. Follow us on @onthisdayinjewishistory and @dailyjewish, where we bring to light the daily events that have shaped Jewish history and continue to do so today.

But that's not all - we also invite you to join us on The Two Tall Jews Show podcast, where we take a deep dive into all aspects of Jewish history, culture, and more. We engage with a diverse range of guests, from scholars and rabbis to social media influencers, life coaches, and comedians.

At Jewish Original Media, we recognize the void that exists within Jewish education when it comes to contextual knowledge. Our aim is to transform educational practices and introduce new ways of focusing on the often-overlooked aspects of Jewish history. We hope to empower Jewish educators, historians, and influencers to amplify and educate others about the rich and fascinating history of Judaism.

Join us on this journey as we explore the aspects, dates, concepts, people, places, and opinions about Judaism and Jewish history that have shaped our world.

We are Meyer and Isaac, and we welcome you to Jewish Original Media.